Sheldrybox Studios, Fall or Rise ?

Sheldrybox Studios achieved the goal in the kickstarter. It sounds very nice but this is not how this has happened.

Through a campaign (which focuses on the charity of the community), they were able to complete the 100,000 mxn they requested to finance the company, and to take out its first premium in November. (Other studies choose to take out several projects, and thus be financed)

It is possible to emphasize the fear that generates, remembering to old frauds (not mans skys or migthy no9, among others).

That is why they should be kept fairly watched, as they were several promises with which they have asked for such an economic contribution. Most are due in November 2017.

I do not care if any other study does such infamy or fraud, but we should not let a Juarense fall into such acts. We must watch very closely, that they really leave that flag high, which they used of excuse several times.

I must leave something more clear. Sheldrybox Studios, is not the only video game developer in the city. For this is Bixelium, which is by far the best. At least they have risked taking one. (Not good) That's more than what Sotomayor and company, they can hold


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