Desire in Luna

Love dies, and it is not the fault of distance.
Every day, it moves away in agony and death,
Within a diminished tenderness, cold courtesy.

The moments dress of inherent custom.
Speaking to speak, fulfilling the false quota of 'I love you',
Lack of love and passion, being vain words.
Dying day by day, perishing in the superficial routine.
Putting out the souls, in the cold of the heart.

Open the door, reviving our love.
Let us revive love, which withered and lacked.
I want to go back, feel the tingle again, Tingling to have you by my side.
It is my dream, the dream of my soul in love.

I will no longer believe in that cruel lie,
That the darkness whispers to me in solitude.
Now I know, that love is true.
Now I know, it's true in your eyes


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